île de la cité
The Ile de la Cité ist generally considered as forming part of
the Left Bank. On this historical island two monuments, symbols of Royal
and Ecclesiastical Power: the Palais de Justice (the Law Courts), which
was the « Palais Royal », in the days of Philippe Auguste,
and Notre-Dame Cathedral.
The Ile-Saint-Louis is one of the quaint sights of Paris. It has retained
its XVllth century characteristics and numerous XVllth century houses
and hotels are still standing (Hôtel Lauzun, Hotel Lambert, Hotel
Chenizot). The lover of pleasant walks should go along the Quais de la
Seine (the quays), and see the booksellers with their picturesque arrays
of bookstails.
Over a strich of 1.800 meters fourteen bridges lay astride the Seine,
among which the superb Pont Neuf, the picturesques Pont Marie, and the
stylish Pont de la Tournelle.